Cloud platform – Navigate amount different location, different departments, different platforms
Navigate amount different platforms

No matter where you are, just connect your device such as a personal computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone to the Internet, you can connect to the company's ERP system, and instantly understand the operation of the department, (Sales, production, inventory, purchase, Shipment, Account, etc.) And work as side by side with colleagues in each office to improve efficiency and service quality.
The People is close to each other- can organize employees from different location and departments, work together to achieve synergy,
A typical example:
Hong Kong or offshore marketing center
- You can enter order information in different location with different equipment
- The sales status can be known instantly.
- Real-time production status of each production order can be got instantly, easy to respond to customer inquiries
Material preparation
- Prepare materials and purchase according to the material requirements of production.
- Payment arrangement and purchase monitoring
- In Hong Kong, the system immediately knows that the delivery has been delivered and issues an invoice in time
- After the invoice is issued, a monthly statement can be generated, and the accounts receivable are clear at a glance.
General ledger
- Financial statements such as monthly statement and cash flow are sent on a monthly basis on time.
Factory (Hong Kong, China and/or Southeast Asia)
- Process monitoring and production monitoring
Material control
- Calculate the material consumption, material requirements, purchase requested, issue purchase order etc. of each order
- Ensure that every production material is in place and used properly.
Cost accounting
- Can collect direct cost data such as materials, production hours, etc., and
Calculate costs
- The shipment arrangement can arrange payment according to the delivery period and production completion status.
- Can be sent to different countries and regions.
- The accounting department can know the shipping status immediately.

Cloud architecture,
you can use :

- No need to pay high license fees
- No need to buy a server
- No need to hire system support staff
Because we have provided you all